Should I consider a cartridge upgrade?

How "much" cartridge is too much?
Hi All,

I currently am very happy with my VPI Scoutmaster/JMW9/Soundsmith Paua/edensound Terracone footers/Edensound Terrastone platforms for TT and separate for motor/edensound brass damping weights for motor and plinth/Transparent Reference MM2 phono/Herron VTPH-2 analog setup.

I have another year or more before I need my Paua retipped.

I am wondering how much higher I can go with cartridge price/performance with this setup and still reap the benefits of the cartridge? I used a Zephyr Mk II before that, which I love; I did notice a significant improvement going to the Paua.

I know some will suggest just buying a different TT, but this was my late father's table, and I would like to stick with it.

By the way, the current setup sounds awesome, so I will be fine with retipping my Paua and sticking with it if that seems best.

Thanks for your thoughts!

Main System:

VPI Scoutmaster, Soundsmith Paua, VPI SDS, Transparent Reference MM2 phono, Herron VTPH-2, Herron IC, Musical Fidelity NuVista CDP, Transparent Ultra MM and Transparent digital cable, Musical Fidelity NuVista 800, Transparent Reference MM2 SC, Wilson Audio Sasha, Transparent Powerbank 8 and Transparent power cords, Terracones and Terrastone platforms, Atacama Equinox rack.

Just a thought. Would Walker motor controller work better than VPI in this case? I read that, generally speaking, most people preferred Walker in varios set-ups. And maybe Steelpoints under the Wilsons if possible?
I have not heard your particular cart, but I'm certain it s consistent with the other upper end SS carts-very lifelike and convincing.
At least that's what I heard in a SS room with Mr. Ledermann playing my records at a show. 
If the rest of my system were up to snuff, along with having a few bucks to throw around, the Strain Gauge is just short of having a stringed quartet in the living room. 

Wouldnt even bother unless I were ready to REALLY move up the food chain $$$

Thanks for your suggestions guys. I don't know much about the Walker speed controller. I have read some good things about it though. The sound of the cartridge is indeed very lifelike and convincing. It is very musical. I have not thought much about the strain gauge, because one would have to buy the accompanying preamp. However, I have been seriously thinking about the Hyperion.

That is an awful lot of cartridge for that table, but hey, if you have the dough and the desire, why not? I wouldn't recommend putting a $7500 cartridge on a VPI Scout, but then I have been known to do other "crazy" things, like putting a $7500 power cord on a $3000 phono preamp.

This is a crazy hobby, I know of someone who uses $24K speaker cables on his $2K speakers. It's your money, spend it anyway you want!
Have fun, and enjoy the music!!
