Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
Hi David,
Congratulations on your son's significant achievement and honor. 
I know that you will enjoy every moment of  this  musical event. 
Don't try this at home. No fuse rolling for me as I have been using cryo treated N52 magnets for years. Direction is obvious as you follow the ac voltage in and follow the dc voltage rails. Couple bucks apiece before doing the cryo and treating the center circumference with AVM. Component upgrade level of quality. More slam, more stage, more focus, no noise, no bang. Don't try this at home.  I use these in conjunction with 6 dedicated Hubbell 5361's cryo'd multiple times. Single plugs have less mechanical resonance than their noisey twin.  Remove the 2 ferrous fasteners and replace with brass. The 5361's can be had for about 8 bucks and use with non ferrous stainless steel plates. Paint the inside of the plates with AVM. Tom
Is the amp rating and size all you have to worry about in choosing a fuse? I was going to try the Reds in a VAC Avatar but the chassis says 5A 125V, and the VHAUDIO site shows the Red as 5A 250V.  Thanks.
electroslacker: the 5A 250V will work both in Europe (220/240V) and the US. Fuses are supposed to blow when the specified current is exceeded (give or take a couple percent).

Tom: you piqued my interest as I never tried DIYing magnets before. I do believe in the enhancement that magnetic cables a la HFC bring a lot to the table. Care to share more? "Don’t do this at home" sounds like you are inserting a series of conductive N25 chips where the fuse is...cost is indeed a couple of bucks and a high(er) adrenaline every time you turn that thing on and hope your house circuit breaker still works. Am I close?

>>... no bang ...
well maybe a big one someday?

Replacing ferrous with non-ferrous material is known on/around sockets, I have replaced the standard covers with carbon fiber versions for selected sockets. I guess one of the reasons the PI Uberbuss works so well is that it comes in a wooden box that is on top treated with AVM paint. Basically, quality (some croy’ed) sockets, LC circuits, non-vibrating box and a steel AC sockets cover. I prefer Audience’s concept that truly isolates each socket, high quality caps and the use of a ground bar. As you know, they use their own dampening coating on their D models. It took a while before John McD decided to offer the superior GTX-D sockets as option. Their Cardas plugs are not in the top of the range.

As for fuses, I will order a Bee wax Super Fuse so I comp it between the SR Red and AH Platinum in my DAC
The final two RED fuses went into the CD player today in anticipation of two fellow audiophile friends coming over for a listening session tonight (Friday). 

After warming up the system for an hour or two, the session began. Holy ear openings Batman! This was no minor improvement. The entire back wall came down.

 I couldn't have put it any better than my friend Mr. Golden Ears (Robert) put it ... "These fuses in the CD player didn't just lift a veil ... they lifted the entire roof off of the house!" 

Other comments were: "It sounds like you have installed far better speakers or preamp!"

Quite honestly guys, this is the most exciting improvement, at a  most reasonable price, in my audio system since I entered the hobby in the early 70's. Digital playback has acquired an analog presence and is completely enjoyable to listen to. Usually when beginning with CD's, it's not long before someone wants to switch to LP's. Well, not tonight. It was one CD after another in complete astonishment. 

In the event you may be thinking that this is the irrational blatherings of someone who is just overly enthusiastic ... it's not. These damned fuses have taken my audio system to a completely different level ... a level I thought unattainable. I can almost reach out and touch the reality.   I had no idea that the ARC CD-7SE was capable of attaining this type of three dimensionality and realism. I've heard good digital at the various shows like the Newport show ... but I'm hard pressed to recall better sound than what came out of my speakers tonight.

I'm stoked!