The Frycorder ia available from Jim Hagerman at Hagerman Audio Labs.
After ordering on line he shipped it quickly. Simple to use. Plug it in via any power cord for three days and that circuit is conditioned. Then remove from circuit. Ater treating, the music has a better flow, less grain, more emotion.
The Frycorder was developed in 2012. the simple manuel even comes with a schematic. Now that is rare in today's world.
Anouncement with a father's pride- I get to hear my son play in the New Mexico All State Orchestra tomorrow morning. No fuse rolling for me this weekend!
David Pritchard
After ordering on line he shipped it quickly. Simple to use. Plug it in via any power cord for three days and that circuit is conditioned. Then remove from circuit. Ater treating, the music has a better flow, less grain, more emotion.
The Frycorder was developed in 2012. the simple manuel even comes with a schematic. Now that is rare in today's world.
Anouncement with a father's pride- I get to hear my son play in the New Mexico All State Orchestra tomorrow morning. No fuse rolling for me this weekend!
David Pritchard