I was thinking that about my machines after I replied to you. A check of the schemeatics yesterday confirmed you're correct. My machines don't have any IC opamps.
You make a valid point with regard to recording studios however. There are so few who give this type of consideration. Sear Sound Recording is one such studio that does. Using tube boards and tube Studer and Ampex reel to reels. Still, the IC oppamp has become so common these days with so many modern recording related devices using them.
I was surprised about your John Curl story. I had always heard he was a stubborn "no comprises" type of guy.
If you read a few posts above, you will see that others have vintage tapes as well. It is a shame because I think the Scotch/Ampex sticky shread syndrome really caused many to feel that tape isn't reliable. I have had problems with Scotch 206 and Ampex 456. But these were the only tapes I've ever had issue with. Several I have restored with excellent results..
Let's hope that if a new machine does materialize that it is a good one. Analog tape is the basis of the sound we all love.
I was thinking that about my machines after I replied to you. A check of the schemeatics yesterday confirmed you're correct. My machines don't have any IC opamps.
You make a valid point with regard to recording studios however. There are so few who give this type of consideration. Sear Sound Recording is one such studio that does. Using tube boards and tube Studer and Ampex reel to reels. Still, the IC oppamp has become so common these days with so many modern recording related devices using them.
I was surprised about your John Curl story. I had always heard he was a stubborn "no comprises" type of guy.
If you read a few posts above, you will see that others have vintage tapes as well. It is a shame because I think the Scotch/Ampex sticky shread syndrome really caused many to feel that tape isn't reliable. I have had problems with Scotch 206 and Ampex 456. But these were the only tapes I've ever had issue with. Several I have restored with excellent results..
Let's hope that if a new machine does materialize that it is a good one. Analog tape is the basis of the sound we all love.