When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad

Now it seems like it dominates the music industry, movies and fashion. My only question is why?

I have taken absolutely no position on whether rap is music or not therefore I feel no need to prove anything either way. If you feel that rap is not music that’s your prerogative. I really don’t care.

As far as me playing "the race card" I only stated my opinion that some posts in this thread are, to me, not so subtly racist. The posts in question mostly involve those who write and perform rap and those who enjoy it.

Rap has been around a long time so why all the angst now? Sorry but I just don’t see it as an indicator or cause of the decline of western civilization. I would be loath to attribute that much power to any form of music or non-music.

BTW: I never personally accused you of anything.

I have news for you. This is one of the more reputable sights. At least it not run by gorts or Nazi's.

rja, what you said was:

There's very real cultural/racial bias in this thread.
1. Rap is not music.

Are you not saying that I am culturally/racially biased for saying rap is not music?  If not, what are you saying?

BTW, I said it was another form of art but simply didn't meet my criteria for being considered music.  That in and of itself is not a knock.  Actually, I feel partly the same about opera, which contains a lot of which is undeniably music (and a lot of it is undeniably great music), but as I said earlier:  opera is people singing when they should be talking and rap is people talking when they should be singing.  Don't take that too seriously, it's a pointed joke.

Anyway, if you weren't saying that to say rap is not music carries a cultural/racial bias, what were you saying?
I said that in my opinion there were statements made in this thread that could be construed as racist or biased.

Rap is not music is an entirely different issue.
This was set off  (by spacing) as one thought:

There's very real cultural/racial bias in this thread.
1. Rap is not music.
2. Creators of rap are somehow not as good as regular humans (whatever that means).

What else could you have meant?  If the A-gon members who said either of the two things are not culturally/racially biased, then who did you mean?