If you won the power ball tomorrow night would you
1. Upgrade parts of you're system. 2. Get rid of everything you have and start over again. 3. Buy a new house and build a dedicated listening room. 4. Hire a consultant to put together a system for you. 5. Just enjoy what you have and buy more music.
One could buy the Playboy mansion I see for a mere $200 million. Nice place! Might want to give it a good cleaning first before moving in. Hefner payed a bit over 1 million for it originally back in the 70s I read. Nice appreciation.
I heard on CNN today that part of the deal with the Playboy Mansion being sold is that Hefner could stay there until his death. I can't Imagine someone spending 200 million on a property and having to let Hefner live there. It sounds awful strange to me.
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