Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable

Hi A'goners, I've just bought this turntable, confident it'll be my last upgrade. The rest of my system is a Tom Evans Groove Plus SRX phono stage, EMM Labs CDSA SE cd player, Hovland HP200 pre/Radia power amps, Zu Definitions Mk 4 loudspeakers, so a pretty good way to listen to vinyl.

Over the years, since 1995 I've progressed from a Roksan Xerxes/Artemiz/Shiraz, via a Michell Orbe/SME V/Transfiguration Orpheus, finally ending up last week with my new Trans Fi Salvation/Trans Fi T3Pro Terminator/Zu modded Denon 103.

This turntable (£2500 UK price, approx $4000-$5000 US) is the brainchild of Vic, a retired dentist, who, fed up with the shortcomings of belt drive and traditionally-pivoted tone arms, literally from the ground up devised first the Terminator air bearing linear tracking tone arm (now in T3Pro guise as on my system), and now the direct rim drive Salvation turntable, a technology in direct opposition to the hegemony of belt drive we've come to accept from the '70s.

In summary, he has developed a motor that directly rim drives an oversize platter. The magic is that vibrations are drained away from the platter and hence stylus. So minimal rumble is transmitted, the weakness of Garrards/Lencos in the past. This is mated to a substantial slate plinth which does a great job of isolating the whole rig from external vibrations.

Where this differs from direct drive is that the torque applied is high enough to counteract stylus drag, but it is strictly analogue controlled ie no digital feedback applying constant micro speed control. Speed is set correctly, torque is sufficient, and speed stability is like a rock.

This is combined with his air bearing linear tracking arm, discussed on other threads.

So technical description over, how about how it sounds? Well, years ago I always assumed the overhang in bass when playing lps on my previous belt drive/pivoted arm tts, apparent as a benign artifact, was all part of the 'romance' of vinyl, esp. when compared to the dry, clinical sound of early cd. But in 2007 I acquired the EMM cd, which had a natural analogue sound playing silver discs, but none of this bass colouration. On studying the growing reemergence of idler/direct drive, and their superiority in maintaining speed stability, I agreed that the belt speed instability might be introducing this.

Two years ago I came across Vic, and now I can report that eliminating the belt for high torque rim drive has taken this whole artifact out of the equation. Whole layers of previously masked information like rhythm guitars are now present, treble information has abundant naturalness and decay, and bass, which appears to be less in quantity compared to belt, is actually more accurate with a real start-stop quality, much more like digital, and the real thing. The other positives are more linked to the arm, including uncanny tracking across the whole record side; I'm really not exaggerating in saying that the last few grooves at the end of an lp side are as solidly reproduced as the first. Music with strong dynamic contrasts are really served well by the Salvation, and I am shocked at how good this all is after trepidation that the sound might be hyperdetailed but too assertive etc. In fact music is reproduced with a relaxed incision, and a welcoming detailed transparency.

The amazing thing is that all of this is not in anyway at the expense of the natural warmth and tonal dimensionality that still puts vinyl way ahead of any digital (imho).

The only thing, and Vic would like this to be known, is that his creation is a cottage industry, and he can only produce limited numbers to order.

I'm happy to answer qs on it, as I really want our community to know about a possible world beating product at real world prices. My tech knowledge will be limited, but no problem discussing sound quality issues.

I'm not affiliated in anyway to the product, just sold my Orbe on ebay and bought this. Regards to all
I received message from Dentdog ! There is still a connection between the worlds :)

Yes the balanced maglev feet do the trick ! Improve bass quality for sure but also refine all areas in some extent. A very serious impvt. And yes, remove harshness on certain recordings, this is the biggest thing about the maglev feet really. The maglev feet simply improve macro & micro dynamics.
This obviously leads to another thing: some cartridges seem to benefit more of this revelation of detail more than others. Again, everything must in a perfect balance, leveling the platter & manifold/saddle, cart´s azimuth etc. I´m very close to having found the sweet spot of my TT system.

It´s really hard to believe that punk ever happened in 1976 as I saw GENESIS LIVE music very live & kicking in Helsinki earlier in spring 2014. In a small venue me and my friend went back to 1973 lead by maestro Steve Hackett & his friends on his GENESIS LIVE REVISITED EXTENDED tour and we found ourselves shouting for "Knife !". I closed my eyes and the illusion being in a GENESIS gig was perfect. Nearly 3 hours of old GENESIS music without a break and a single dull moment. The original GENESIS LIVE sound was born again in modern World. The best concert I ever witnessed and will remain forever... unless they will do it again ?  In my universe prog reigned in 1976 and still does today in 2016... till the End of Time.

Happy New Year 
I wonder if any here have heard both the Salvation/Terminator and a recent Jean Nantais modified Lenco. I am currently in the process of acquiring a JN Reference Mk2 and would be very interested in such comparisons. Of course, for a proper comparison the JN TT would need to be fitted with the same Terminator arm and cartridge, and I doubt many have heard such a combination. However, any general impressions from somebody who has heard both TTs would still be illuminating. Although intrigued by the many excellent reviews, what put me off the Salvation was having to faff about with an air-bearing arm. This aside, the Salvation/Terminator appears to be one of audios great bargains..
O'moon, that was my fear too, but the arm has proved to be v.fuss-free. It takes a bit of finegling to sound of it's best, but from that point is pretty much play and forget.
I believe the arm is the biggest bargain in the high end, analog or otherwise.

I am wondering what cartridges/pick-ups you have used with the Terminator Arm and your opinion of each. I have the Terminator and the Salvation with magnetic bearing and feet. I have only used the Ortofon PW cartridge and I think it sounds great but you don't know what you don't know. Thank you. 
Have been running top factory spec Soundsmith Straingauge cart, twin bespoke Peter Downs Design psus to Straingauge and Salvation motor, and a whole string of mods, from bespoke Al arm mount to Terminator air linear tracker, nylon unipivot points, Klei Silver Harmony RCA plugs to tonearm wire, Symposium Svelte pad under motor pod, and the crowning glory, a Stacore Advanced pneumatic platform as support.
This analog front end is now a fearsomely impressive performer, with no apparent weaknesses, and some real performance attributes that shame some tt front ends at multiples of the price.