Is high end audio to snooty for its own good?

I think it has become that way. Some people flaunt that they have high end systems and they listen to certain kinds of music and I think it puts the hobby in a negative light at times.
IMHO most of the snooty attitudes that we experience come from salesmen who are pushing their own product and denigrating the product of others hoping to make folks insecure about their own stuff and buy something new from them.  Most of these salesmen have humble, if any, audio systems in their own hovels.

Any other snooty folks are IMHO sad individuals who have no way of evaluating their own worth that is not based on their own experience, probably because their personality keeps others at bay. We have spell checkers now, grammar checkers to come next, and god forbid pekka checkas by next year (yeh, I know, they already abound) :-).

Pick any hobby and you'll find those who enjoy it for the pleasure and those who feel the need for to take it to another level. It gives them a sense of purpose, I guess.

All the best,


I think it would be Interesting to bring you're rap CD's or records to a huge show like Newport Beach this June and see if they will play them in different rooms. I have been going to the Newport show since it started and I have never heard a room playing hip hop or rap. I have a feeling that most of the rooms would turn you down because they don't want to chase away their clientele. Which mostly consists of a male dominated crowd 50 and up. I would Imagine some of the rooms run by younger people would be more accepting of playing rap or hip hop. It would be an Interesting experiment If you were willing to try it.