When is your Hifi good enough?

Just wondering what makes people tick in regards to determining when things sound "good enough"?

For me I have a vision in my mind of how things should sound based on what I have heard over the years.  Once it sounds that way, I am done.   I can still enjoy listening to other sounds or sounds that omit some things I might want otherwise but if I do not get regular samplings of "that sound" I probably start to wonder.
My system has for the most part been good enough but it's like that guy who keeps banging his head on a wall: when asked why he does it, he replies that it feels so good when he stops.

All the best,

When You start listening to the music and simply enjoy it. When you stop obsessing and nit picking and or run out of money and come to your senses.  After realising you have spent more on equipment than your car.

For me:

As long as I smile when the music plays, I am happy.

As long as I don't feel like doing something other than listening, I am happy.

As long as I have other financial burdens in life that take priority over indulging in new gear just for the sake of upgrading, I am happy.

As long as I can listen to a poor-quality recording, and hear through the flaws, and instead feel like I am hearing what the artist and recording/mastering engineers were trying to accomplish, I am happy.

As long as any music I want is available in at least one format that my system can play, I am happy.

And, yes, I am happy right now, and have been since my last audio purchase in 2013. 

Good sound has a physiological effect on me.   It relaxes me and makes me feel good.   Then I know.   I'm not a doctor so would not even attempt to explain how this works.  Its a kind of love I suppose.