Current NAD integrated amps, what are your impressions?

I just picked up a C326BEE and wanted to hear if my results are common, or what the general consensus is for NAD. I did some searching on this forum, but there doesn’t seem to be a lot of love or threads directed at NAD.

I actually acquired a C372 about 3 years ago, but sold it within a year as it seemed pretty bland and laid back. I’ve heard that this vintage wasn’t as reliable and my remote control did die. When I shipped it to the buyer it showed up DOA in one channel! I helped him with the repairs but it left me with reservations regarding NAD. From what I can gather, the current models are much more reliable.

So Spearit sound is clearing out refurbished NAD components, and I couldn’t resist the price(no affiliation). Bottom line, the 326 sounds way better than I expected. I’d been using a Denon AVR3801 in 2 channel with a second system, and the imaging, clarity and punch is easily better with the 326. I’m driving Tannoy DC4 bookshelf speakers and what a soundstage!. Diana Krall tracks are recorded with the piano mic’d so the lower register starts in the left speaker and the highest notes in the right. I’d not heard that with the Denon, but the 326 sets it out so clearly.

So what has your experience been with NAD?
Talking about Paradigm's. The best sound I ever heard was with the:
Adcom GTP-502 Tuner / Pre Amp.(using Lab out)
Parasound 275 Power Amp.
Paradigm S4  2 1/2 way speakers
Have no idea why I sold it. What a clarity. Beautiful sound with a nice airy highs.
It's all about synergy.
I have the 326BEE and also think it great for the $$$.  I use it in a 2nd system. When I tried it in my main system I was impressed with the performance. Tonal character, dynamics, soundstage quite good driving Esoteric MG-10s.  Probably a great match with the Focals, I am thinking of buying a used pair of the Focal 706s to try with mine. Currently have B&W 685s.
The dealer from the Stereo Exchange told me once: "If you are not sure
and you don't want to take a chance, go with the NAD". Just one time I was
ready to buy Accuphase (to end the story with the Amplifiers). Then doubt,
Is the Accuphase 1000% better then NAD. It's not.
I've been looking at new speaker cables, as the Audioquest type 4 are laid back somewhat.  Nothing wrong with that, but the Paradigm Sigs are also a little laid back.  Gee, now that I think of it, the Parasound Halo stuff may be on the warm side to.  Anyway, the end result is a too warm sound.

Fast forward to the new Nad, with the Tannoy DC4 the sound is more open and airy.  Certain go to auditioning music has the extra highs, etc.  I've definitely got to do some experimenting this weekend.  I do have some Type 4 I could try with the Nad.  I'd also like to put the Nad in the main 2 channel system just to see what it can do.  Also, I should try using it as a pre since that's an option with the C326BEE. 
So I tried the Nad C326BEE driving the Paradigm sigs S6, just to see what they could do with the big floorstanders.  The sound left me the impression that there wasn't enough grunt, although I didn't try to really crank it.  The highs seemed a little strained at times as well.  

Trying the preamp section to drive the Parasound A21 brought much better results.  The soundstage was filled out with good separation and nothing really stood out as deficient.  

Putting the P7 back in as preamp revealed the weaknesses of the NAD.  More detail and refinement, like things were just in better focus.  Of course that's to be expected comparing a $550 component vs a $2300 one!  Still, the 326 acquitted itself well considering the big price jump. 

Having the Nad drive the little Tannoy Revolutions again brought back the jaw dropping moments for those speakers.  The 326 does best with speakers that aren't too much of a load, which is of course to be expected.  I'm sure that there are plenty of floorstanders that fit into this category, though I don't have any.