Klipsch love them or hate them.

My best friend drives me crazy.Every time we get into a discussion about audio,he tells me how great klipsch speakers are.I think they are the worst speakers.What do you think!
My first real speaker was an older pair of Cornwalls. THey were matched with 2A3 Wright Sound amps and a Philips SACD1000 that only worked for two years. I enjoyed them for what they were and being on a tight budget they were a value. 
Klipsch horns that I have heard over many years all sound good, not great and have issues. Slightly honky, harsh, bright with lacking soundstage are what I have heard typically.  I also know there are strong feelings both ways. Some in the hobby love to hate them and I don't think that is fair. A SET amp simple record player and Klipsch speakers can be had on a budget and be fun to listen to.
As usual, an uninformed,  brief and idiotic response from Ebm. Are you still building those PBN speakers ebn, or was that just more of your BS?
Klipsch makes great speakers. Very dynamic, very accurate, something that audiophile speaker lacks severely.

They ring a lot compared to beryllium drivers though. Which is both a pro and con.