Knghifi, I don't blame you for taking the plunge. Knowing how good the Red fuses are, why resist the very probable further improvement with the Black fuses? If my sound becomes any more realistic, the next time I play Carmen McRae I'm going to invite her to stick around for dinner when she's done singing LOL!
Shipping pre to VAC for SE upgrade in March so will get fuses after it returns and breaks in.
Knghifi. Did you place 6.3a 250v fuses in the ref 250 as per Warren Gehl?
Yes. According to user manual, each mono can draw up to 10 Amp so 7 Amp can draw above rating for x amount of time before blowing. Amps is on a dedicated 20 amp line. Not going to work if fast blo ... I think best chance for 6.3 amp to blow if a short from output tube blowing. No big deal ... just replace the fuse.