Which components are "stupid good"?

Which components, known to be outstanding in their category, have a performance to price differential such that they can truly be called "stupid good?"
I had to think about this for a minute because some of my gear should sound stupid good given their price, but keeping in context with the OPs question I would say my new OPPO 103D IS stupid good....   It can decode virtually anything, has incredible picture quality plus it sounds pretty good through its analog outputs.  It can pull any media from my network or hard drives and the ability to control it via a tablet allows me to see the Playlist and album art really makes it stupid good.
Very surprised by the performance of a pair of Silverline Prelude Pluses.  Bought new for under $2K.  Wasn't expecting them to sound as good as they do.  I think they deliver performance comparable to speakers 2-3x their price.    If not "stupid good", then at least "crazy good".