Speakers that are very accurate sounding but don't produce an emotional connection.

I have listened to a few speakers over the years that impressed me with their accuracy and presentation of the music, but just did not create an emotional response or connection. I have often wondered what that quality is in some speakers that produce an emotional connection with the listener. This quality has been identified by audiophiles, as "magical", "engaging"  "just right"  "euphonic"  "natural"  "true to life". " "satisfying"  "musical"....  I am sure there are at least 50  other  adjectives that could describe this "quality" of  sound . 

Considering the various aspects  of achieving  good and accurate sound by component synergy, is there a way to explain this so-called magical element that often eludes so many of us??.  I don't think such a feeling is temporal, conditioned by personal moods, or the phases of the moon or sun.  

Like to hear from members who have given some thought to the same issue.    Thanks,  Jim   

BTW, I know the thread is a bit out there, but  I don't think the topic is pointlessly pursuing the genie in the bottle. 

How can a speaker be "accurate", but "not" produce an emotional connection???

Seems like a contradiction IMO!
I'm coming to think that if I listen to a stereo rig and think "great performance" rather than "great gear," that a good indicator of "emotional connection."  :-)
Inna et al.... its not the tools, but the talent.   I just saw Rachel Barton Pine play various levels of instrument....Strads, Guanari's , no names...and wonderful music came from them all.

What a great topic and thread - thank you sunnyjim!

don_c55 writes: How can a speaker be "accurate", but not produce an emotional connection???

And isn't this the topic itself reworded, or rather a good chunk of it? 

It's precisely the topic that is consuming me over the last 3 weeks as I decide what to do with my Wilson Sophia 1s. I was sure I didn't like them until I moved them into a large-ish carpeted room w/ vaulted ceilings up to 21' driven by a VAC Ren 70/70. Not only am I continually engaged, but for the first time I'm actually hearing a decent image. Are they accurate? I suppose it depends on how you define that term, but in my opinion no speaker that "throws" instruments and vocals at you the way Wilsons do can be considered accurate. What I hear seems to be less of an accurate portrayal of instruments and vocals from say, a live recording, and more of an "enhanced" and "larger than life" version of those things. What do I mean by "enhanced" and "larger than life"? Right. Exactly. Without measuring I can't be certain, but seems like there's more energy in the lower midrange than I would hear with other speakers. What else is enhanced? Upper bass? Yes. What else? Not sure.

Yes I hear an image, but where exactly? And does the instrument or vocal location move in or out as its tone shifts? I think so. Can't be accurate then right? Soundstage? Seems pretty good, but how good?

When I've setup Vandersteen Quatros the way I want I hear an outstanding image and an impressive soundstage. Great depth and a sound that, to my ear, much more closely resembles the live & intimately-set jazz concerts I've attended. It can be fun and precise and "realistic" to my ear, but with the Quatros I have never been as emotionally connected to instruments and vocals themselves the way I've been with the Sophias. Same thing with Maggie 1.7s. Just not enough of that something else that I now think I want. Or do I? The performance itself might get me 90% of the enjoyment I'm listening for, but now the Sophias have me wondering "do I want the spicy sauce to go with it?" 

All this has me asking myself "what am I really trying to accomplish?" Do I really want recordings to be as accurately presented to me as possible, whatever that means. Or do I enjoy it all more if there's an unrealistic accent applied to everything?

Is it ok if I never make up my mind about this?

Good post, Hazyj.  OK if you don't make up your mind.  At this stage in my life, I guess I'm for the emotional connection over the possibly more accurate one.