******In no way am I saying that you should change anything; however, I am saying that we must accept one another as we are. Whatever petty point of contention between you and Frogman, that went on and on, should have been dropped before it reached this stage.******
O-10, as always, you are a voice of reason. I agree with all you said. Maybe I will learn someday, not to sweat the small stuff.
BTW, after playing The Fairfield Four's 'Standing In The Safety Zone', at the appropiate volume this morning, all is right in my Kingdom! Makes one feel glad to be alive. Puts all other things in their proper petty place.
I have two new(to me), Ellington CDs. 'Three Suites'(includes his take on 'The Nutcracker') and 'The Ellington Suites'. Are you familiar with them?
What is your opinion on buying 'refurbished' speakers?
O-10, as always, you are a voice of reason. I agree with all you said. Maybe I will learn someday, not to sweat the small stuff.
BTW, after playing The Fairfield Four's 'Standing In The Safety Zone', at the appropiate volume this morning, all is right in my Kingdom! Makes one feel glad to be alive. Puts all other things in their proper petty place.
I have two new(to me), Ellington CDs. 'Three Suites'(includes his take on 'The Nutcracker') and 'The Ellington Suites'. Are you familiar with them?
What is your opinion on buying 'refurbished' speakers?