Pass XA30.8 vs Luxman m600-a vs Hegel H20


I would like to know if anyone has any insights on how those may compare. Any help would be welcome :)

Thanks in advance,
The only thing I don't like about the Hegel is that it is made in China. I only buy products made in U.S.A, Japan or Europe.

Upper end Luxman gear is very special and is in no way outclassed by the better known competitors.
I want to thank Al for his comments on balanced architecture on Hegel . I have Hegel H-30, and switched to High Fidelity CT-1e IC's, which are only single RCA.  I just put back my balanced Wireworld 7's from pre to Hegel...very nice improvement when running amp as intended with balance cables. Thanks for reminder to use gear as recommomded by manufacturer...I may put up for sale now my HF RCA cables.
i think all amps in this post are excellent...
thanks again Al, love your specific and on point responses.
Thanks very much for the nice words, Bob.  Glad my post stimulated a thought that proved to be helpful.

Best regards,
-- Al
All the amps you mentioned (with the exception of the Hegel, which I haven't heard) is world-class, IMO. I've been particularly impressed with the upper-end Luxman gear, but the Pass 30.8 (with the right speaker load, which you have) is top-notch as well. I don't think you can lose either way. The Luxman MIGHT be a hair richer-sounding than the Pass, but the 30.8 MIGHT have the edge in ultimate resolution. This is just based on my very informal listening experiences with the two of them, so take my opinion with a hardy grain of salt..

lynott, thank you for your insightful answer :)
Luxman will be distributed by the same distributor os goldenear (first units should arrive in a couple of weeks). Definitely I will wait to listen to those. I hope I will be able to A/B compare the Hegel and the Luxman (Pass will be more difficult).