I'd suggest that everyone using fuses (stock or premium) adhere to the values recommended by the manufacturer. I do this and suspect that the vast majority of thread contributors do this as well. I've had no problems thus far with the premium fuses by following these guidelines. This encompasses all of my components over a several years period. Equipment protection plus improved sound is fine with me. .
Thanks for your sharing of listening impressions. I can't wait to receive my Black fuses even though I am thoroughly enjoying the Red fuses currently. If thirty dollars more per fuse leads to the improvement you describe, count me in. What could possibly be more cost effective? 😀😀
Thanks for your sharing of listening impressions. I can't wait to receive my Black fuses even though I am thoroughly enjoying the Red fuses currently. If thirty dollars more per fuse leads to the improvement you describe, count me in. What could possibly be more cost effective? 😀😀