Infinity Irs Betas vs Legacy Focus Se

Which would you choose and why. The listening room is 15 by 18 . Thanks for any input.
For now I will use my Irs Gammas as they seem to be a better fit for the room size. I don't know if the Legacys would better the Gammas or if it would be a sideways move.

those Infinity speakers require a very large space to open up and sound their best.  Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
The Infinity IRS Betas will overwhelm that room...physically and sonically.
I own a set of the Betas.
I own a pair of Legacy Focus 20/20's, and my room is 16x18 feet. (5.3 X 6 meters) ;) Placement can be an issue, getting them to triangulate with the listening position, but, I think I've got the sound stage starting to come together. And while they may claim efficiency, they can consume much power! I like all manner of music, from Spanish guitar to Tchaikovsky, but mostly rock. And it will do it all! But! If you want them to rock, you need some power! I've got a Forte' Model 3, 200 wpc @8ohm. And it was running out of steam trying to get rock and classical up to (near) realistic volumes. I've added a Crown 450 watt PA amp I borrowed from the band to power the bottom half, and it helped considerably! But, it's just temporary until I can get a real amp behind it. I had my mind set on an older Krell 300 watt, or something similar in an A or A/B amp. Now I'm thinking perhaps a 1000 watt class D amp? Or the D-Sonic 1500 watt monoblocks? Believe me, neither one will be overkill.  (Anyone out there with experience with such a pairing I'd be interested to hear?)

I love the speakers! They are so smooth in the upper registers, and are truly full range. Orchestral crescendo's do not sound lacking on either end, and bass slam is not muddy on rock music. I've heard better soundstaging and 3D imaging, say, in a set of electrostatics, but the Focus's carry the weight of large scale music, and being a bass player, it reproduces bass more clearly and plainly than any speaker I've owned.  I've never had a set of speakers that allowed me to hear what the bass is doing so well, I can hear the bass player's fingers on the strings! And instruments that low in frequency are just as clear and out front as vocals and guitar and piano in the midrange. I'm not saying they are bass heavy, on the contrary they are very balanced top to bottom. Cymbal crashes sound like brass, not breaking glass, with excellent decay and shimmer. 

I've heard the Infinity's, but many years ago, so I can't claim a side by side comparison. The Legacy's are easy to love, and you see very few of them on the used market compared to many other large speakers of their kind, so they seem to be making a lot of people happy.  Your listening habits can influence your decision, but even though the Focus's are large, they also sound great at low volumes, they don't get louder, they get bigger. Or is that a function of the amp? But I do not feel they are too large for this room, maybe they would sound better in a larger room? But they sound pretty great as they are..