Infinity Irs Betas vs Legacy Focus Se

Which would you choose and why. The listening room is 15 by 18 . Thanks for any input.
I'd go with the Legacy Focus' speakers. Very efficient, loves tube amps. Very musical and relaxed presentation. I've heard the Focus' a few times at three different friends homes ... sounds great in all three places. I use a pair of Legacy Signature III's and love them. If I were to upgrade, It would be to a pair of Focus 20/20's   not the newer ones ... the older ones. 
For now I will use my Irs Gammas as they seem to be a better fit for the room size. I don't know if the Legacys would better the Gammas or if it would be a sideways move.

those Infinity speakers require a very large space to open up and sound their best.  Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
The Infinity IRS Betas will overwhelm that room...physically and sonically.
I own a set of the Betas.