Dear Fleib, I may have missed some of those metaphorical
''stairs'' involved by Raul's ''learning curve'' but I also believe
that he missed the first ''stair'' in logic. From my study of logic
I learned that the neccesary condition to express a thought
clearly is to have one. One would think that languge is the
added condition. But consider those international gatherings
of scientist. ''Our own'' Lewm visited many so he is the right
person to explain the issue. Those gatherings imply many
peoples from different countries all speaking different languages.
The known fact is that, say, Chanese and Japanese are not ''masters'' in English language which is considered to be standard. How then are those scientist supposed to understand each other?
Well the answer is that they have the same terminolgy belonging
to their specific science. One can also say ''the same vocabulary''.
Thst is all they need in order to understand each other about their
own subject matter.
But we also have some kind of ''common terminology'' for
our analog hobby. In our forum it is ''not done'' to criticize
anybodies English but it is obvious that Raul is difficult to
understand despite of his ''long term'' use of this language.
Anywy this is assumed by ,at least, some members. But I
think that the reason is not the languge but the lack of clear