Servers: Are we there yet?

I was shocked to discover that my brand-new high-end server is entirely dependant on a functional wireless network. If either the Ipad or the wifi are not working, the server is rendered non-functional. I spoke to the dealer and he informed me that all the servers he carries are like that. Huh?!?
I work with a company that specializes in digital streaming, Audio Doctor,

and we routinely setup servers from modified Mac Minis, and PC's to dedicated streamer/dacs from Lumin, Cary, Devialet, Cambridge Audio and many others.

The Aurender servers blow away the Modified Macs and PCs, by the way.

Also the Lumin A1 and T1 outperformed a $13K CD player from one of the best names in digital! So it is time to embrace the practical and fun world of streaming! 

You do not need a working wifi network with the aurender, you can use a blu tooth dongle to setup two way communication between the Aurender and the Ipad, so now you can play all the stored music on the hard drive without a working internet connection, obviously you won't be able to stream Tidal without a working internet setup. 

Personally we feel that a good strong fast network is an essential part of the new streaming world I would embrace it. 
Mapman, Yes it is nice feature, but if you’re afraid of any changes to your server then you can do this on the other computer or tablet (or phone). I update my computer/server from internet, since I’m using it as a home computer, and never had any issues. My TV firmware I updated only once - If ain’t broke don’t fix it.

" If ain’t broke don’t fix it."

I usually tend to agree with that.  I still drive a 1996 Toyota for example.  

But the full potential of music streaming is yet to be realized for me but things are moving forward nicely, so I want to keep up in this case.

I also still run Logitech Squeeze System which is legacyware essentially at this point.  Little or nothing new there, including fixes.   I was very nervous about upgrading my music server to Windows 10.     Ironically, Logitech server continued to run fine but my older backup software from Seagate did not so I had to change.
I've been a very bad girl,' she said, biting her lip. 'I need to be punished.'
'Very well,' he said and installed Windows 10 on her laptop.

I've never had any experience with Windows 10, but judging by this joke it might be bad (like Vista?).  I use Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit at work and it is very stable.   I also drive 1996 Toyota - Avalon (bless this car).  It will be very likely running for next 10 years.  I have to find a way to kill it (so many nice new cars).
I am late to the party, but glad to see this topic discussed by new and old computer audio users. 

I am am a new convert, and chose an all out assault with the purchase of a Lumin A-1 and Synology NAS. It took 3 painful weeks to get all my 300+ CDs ripped with their associate artwork, but I am now more than happy with result. So much so, that I sold my SACD player.   I also use Tidal, an excellent source in my opinion. I sort of hate paying for music via a subscription this way;. I would rather own my music outright. However, I am able to now enjoy music I would otherwise would not consider because things are now so convenient. 

I see there are a few Aurender users here. Are there any Lumin uses, or does anyone have an opinion on either of the systems?