Neutral electronics are a farce...

Unless you're a rich recording engineer who record and listen to your own stuff on high end equipment, I doubt anyone can claim their stuff is neutral.  I get the feeling, if I were this guy, I'd be disappointed in the result. May be I'm wrong.
"EMI is radio frequency interference just like RFI."

RFI is a type of EMI.

Radio-frequency interference (RFI) is when the EMI is in the radio frequency part (just one part) of the spectrum.

So EMI is not just like RFI.

Lay off them lattes!!

Dr. Mopman out.

The height of ’neutral’ nonsense is when a reviewer says an amp is so neutral that it ’adds no signature or coloration of its own" ...compared to what?....the same setup minus the amp? Those really are some golden ears.

In the very unlikely case two different amps yield the same sound...does that mean they are both neutral...or both colored in the same way? Then we add the room....

Neutral is simply one of the many ridiculous terms we ’bandy about’ in this hobby.
Mopman, RFI and EMI are the same thing, I.e., radio frequency interference. Reading comprehension required on this thread. Fasten your seatbelt, ladies, laddies, lattes, whatever.
Post removed 
Mapman’s last post is correct. EMI can occur, for example, at 60 Hz, which is not generally considered to be a radio frequency. EMI can also occur at pretty much any other non-radio frequency, as well as at RF (radio frequencies).

Regarding neutrality, those who are sufficiently interested may want to read through the 9 pages of the following thread. BTW, the post above by Wolfie, dated 1-26-16, and also the first of his posts dated 1-28-16, make essentially the same point as the OP in the other thread.

My opinions on neutrality were expressed in that thread, and were in essential agreement with its OP (Bryoncunningham). Frankly, I was surprised that his points, which I considered to be almost self-evident, aroused so much controversy in that thread.

-- Al