Vintage Krell Amp... Which would you choose?

I am in the market for a new amp, and I was thinking instead of purchasing something new, why not purchase a preowned amp. I always admired the krell sound, but it was just way to expensive. I would like to know if there was "ONE" krell amp either class A or SS that you can go back in time and purchase, which one would it be? It will be paired with Martin Logan's.


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I had a KSA-50, and used it for a few years.  It's still my favorite Krell.  Don't let the 50 watts fool you, it will drive anything with plenty of volume.  
It will also need servicing every few years, just too much heat and eventually electronics fail. Wonderful sound however, truly magic..

I'd get a vintage Crown over a Krell.  May not have the 'panache' of a Krell, but they tended to be more 'bomb-proof'.

And as for heat, get a clue.  I run 'puter fans on my amps.  Quiet, efficient insurance for peace of mind, and cheap.  Maybe not 'pretty', but it beats repair costs replacing fried parts. might give a thought as to why things are getting heated up so.
"Pushing the envelope" in any pursuit tends to push anything to their limits... cars, aircraft, relationships, audio equipment....
You bought it, you broke it.  I'll buy you a beer and listen to you complain.
I won't take you seriously.  And a limit to my sympathy. ;)