What do you miss about old school hip hop music and why?

I miss the lyricism and creativity

I miss when people just made comments about the lyrics and it wasn't so commercialized. It's gotten to the point where some people hate the current content. Some people hate it because it isn't what it was. Some people hate it because they don't understand the culture. That also why I loved it so much. It was defiant and didn't care about acceptance. Told stories from so many points of view.  
Despite what most believe, rap lyrics are about survival and being trapped in the game!   Check out Tupac "Trapped" 
For the record back when the "old school" was new music I never liked it.  Now years later I can appreciate the lyrical poetry and the fact that it's got a good beat.  Some of it is even well recorded.  I know it's not esoteric enough, but I like what I like and no apologies. 
@gshepardbuster thanks.  It's all about enjoying the music.  Some guy will never get it.  However, it wasn't meant for them in the first place.