Standmount speakers with Line Magnetic 518 SET amp?

Hi all, 

I am curious about what standmount speakers folks would pair with the Line Magnetic 518 amp?  Room is small and I don't play music especially loud.

Thanks for any ideas!

Take a look at Reference 3A de Capos, 92db sens, detailed, good bass for a standmount, 8 1/4 in woofer, no crossover,  good at low volumes

i use mine in a 20x12 ft room with 4 watt decware mini torii, plenty of power unless I have a rave
The de Capos are really good, though I like sealed box better and the little Harbeths are now particularly good.......they weren't before.  They deal very well with room acoustics because of the sealed box, you don't play loudly so that is not an issue, they don't move a ton of air so you don't need a heavily massed stand and they are involving.