Premium distilled water for ultrasonic record cleaner

I have a kLaudio lp200 ultrsonic record cleaner

I recall a few comments on reading threads about some special high grade distilled water

i can't seem to find anything via an audiogon search
klaudio says plain distilled is what they use

woukd anyone like to chime in with recommended top grade distilled waters
what properties make these special water brands stand out and the advantage to the sound of the records

a link or two would help

on a side note Klaudio is having a sale on their silencer and I went ahead and bought one
anybody using this silencer?

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Tomb- it is this stuff: [url][url]

It is also available from other third party suppliers for even less than I paid, but check the shipping cost before you order- the shipping price from Fisher to me in NY was almost nothing, and 5 Gallons is pretty heavy. 
Yes, I think Albert uses the same grade of water- in fact, I had him verify what he was using b/c I was tired of paying beaucoup prices for small containers. 
We use to have, at work, small washer to clean flux off PC boards. It looked like regular dishwasher and used DI water for rinsing. Distilled water was not good enough even for that - we had to buy deionizing columns. DI water that you can purchase in store might be good enough for record cleaning.
I use, like Whart, reagent grade water for my record cleaning chores.  While I don't have a fancy US cleaner, I do use it to mix up my surfactant solutions and as my two rinse.  I got mine from Amazon for a similar price as above.