A push-pull tube design and Single-ended class A designs


Between a push-pull tube design and Single-ended class A designs amp, is Single-ened class A better in sound quality, why?



The Newport SHOW, June  3rd-5th 2016, The Hotel Irvine, Irvine, CA.


I doubt that any of the classic, low-powered triode tubes (300b, 2a3, 45) would work well with your speaker, even in parallel SET configuration (more than one tube per channel).  You would really have to look at a high voltage transmitter tube SET (845, 211, GM70), and well-built examples are pricey and don't quite deliver the sound that is prized by low-power SET fans.

Atmasphere refrained from touting the approach his products use, but, certainly an output transformerless tube amp is something worth looking into.  These can deliver considerably more power and a model might be suitable for use with the Venere.  Good OTLs are very exciting sounding: great dynamics and a lively, forward sound.  I think that kind of presentation would help the Venere. 
s1nn3r is dead right. I was involved in the audio business in the late 1960's and the early 1970's. One of the challenges was helping customers to be comfortable buying what they liked rather than what they had read or been told was best. Taste in sound is at least as personal as taste in toothpaste.