if you had my system and $2,000 budgeted for an upgrade, where would you spend it?

This post may go a bit beyond analog, as it could encompass other parts of the system, but I am not interested in adding to the digital side of things, so here it is.

As far as I can tell, it seems like the places to spend that $2K would be on a better tonearm or perhaps a preamplifier upgrade.  I may be able to sell my Audio Research LS-25 and upgrade to ARC Ref 3.  As for the tonearm, I could sell the RB202 and get a Michell Tecnoarm, or step it up to an arm for about $1600 (are the Clearaudio arms nice?) and still have a little left over.

Can a tonearm upgrade make a significant sonic improvement?

I am not dying to spend money on an upgrade, and if the benefit of that $2K will be minuscule, I am happy to stay as I am for a while, my system sounds excellent.  But I am curious to know what the experienced people on this site would do the the $2K if they were in my shoes.

Where is the most improvement possible?

System Gear List:

Amplifier:  Audio Research VT-100 mkII
Preamplifier:  Audio Research LS-25
Phono Stage:  Whest Audio PS.30R
Cartridge:  Lyra Delos
Table:  Michell Engineering Tecnodec with standard RB202 tonearm
DAC:  PS Audio PerfectWave DAC mkII
Power Conditioner:  Shunyata Research Talos
Speakers:  Rockport Technologies Mira Monitors
Subwoofer:  Wisdom Audio SCS
Speaker Cable:  Cardas Audio Cross
Interconnect:  Cardas Audio 300B Microtwin XLR
Digital Music Storage & Player:  Apple Mac Mini + ROON + Hard Drive
Power Cables:  Shunyata Research Venom HC (amp, sub, conditioner)
Power Cables:  Shunyata Research Sidewinder VTX (sources)

My system can be seen here:  https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/5421
I’m sorry to say I don’t have the knowledge to explain why the SR Red or Black fuses (and there are some specific others listed in that thread) create better sounding music.
If you read the thread it might answer your question.
As far as interconnects, speaker cables, digital cables and power cords are concerned, after 30 years of trying various brands, I’m very happy with the sound produced by High Fidelity Cables.
Depending on what you could get for your dac, find a unit that can do chipless DSD the Lampizator.....

i have pair of Dared DV-300 with 3 extra tubes

top of the line you will love them

Wayne 5202518994

Im trying to list them on here


Thank you all for the thoughtful comments... Keep ’em coming! I am inspired to try 2 things, one at a time of course. First, room correction. I am looking into a diy sound panel. As I am a photographer, I was delighted to discover there is a printable acoustic fabric that can cover an insulation material and simple wood frame. This sounds perfect for 3 panels: one behind each speaker and one big one on the wall behind the listening position. I believe I will be starting there. Do you guys who know about room treatments think this is a reasonable starting point?

the fuses are also interesting. A rep from the cable company told me to research to see if there is a fuse between the output transformers and speaker taps in each channel in my power amp. He advised, if so, to start with those points with two high quality fuses and listen. If the results are good, continue to replace all of the fuses in the system. Does this forum agree?

thanks again,