Power Cables for Class D Amplifiers

Do Class D amplifiers that are very efficient, high power, (ie 600 watts at 8 ohms 1110 watts at 4 ohms) require the heavier lower gauge power cords (10, 9, 8 guage) that we see used on the heavy inefficient high power and high current amps? I ask because the stock power cable that came with my Class D amp was even thinner than the usual stock cord. It's something like a 14 gauge power cable! Is a 10 gauge or lower power cable needed in this ampliifier class as it would be in Class A or AB?
I used Shunyata Annaconda Helix on my Red Dragon Leviathans.

These gave me the best sound, compared to other PC that were DIY or name brand.

I think the bad rap given to D amps is because those who didn't like the sound used no upgraded PC or did anything to the power.

In my expereience,D amps perhaps are more susceptible to dirty power than most SS and the more forgiving tube amps.

They will let you hear what you are feeding them.
My friends keep brining over super powerful and always the latest generation of class D amplification and my Pass Labs X350.5 keeps its title of top dog over the digital amps.
+1 on Wireworld recommendation above. I'm running Wireworld Electra 7s with my (class D) Wyred 4 Sound mAMPs, cranking a steady diet of classical and jazz. I'm pleased with the results. 
I can highly recommend the new power cables from High Fidelity Cables. They perform like now other cables I have ever tried in my system. Of course I have not tried all of the other brands but I have tried a cross section of power cables over the years and the HFC are in a different league IMHO.

I am using them with my Merrill Audio Veritas Mono Amps.