Neutral electronics are a farce...

Unless you're a rich recording engineer who record and listen to your own stuff on high end equipment, I doubt anyone can claim their stuff is neutral.  I get the feeling, if I were this guy, I'd be disappointed in the result. May be I'm wrong.
" I doubt anyone can claim their stuff is neutral."

I can claim anything I want.   Doesn't make it true.   

How about we meet in the middle and just say some things are more neutral than others?  Then we can all move on.    i will go back to plowing my fields with the mules and working on that Nobel prize someday though I fear time is running out for me  :^)
Made up words to justify printing magazines and blogs just don't cut it. I listen for emotion. That's all I need. You can blame the founding fathers of the critics set and magazine editors for making up words to describe noise.