I have my laptop/music server connected to my Comcast router with a wired ethernet connection, as it's on the very far end of the house and the signal is not very strong or consistent, no one's fault, just a long distance from the router.
Having said that, I have had no problems with Tidal, none! When I first subscribed, on a very rare occasion I would get a message that they were having some sort of problem and recommended that I switch out of "hi fi" mode, which I never did.
Even streaming hi-rez digital music files is WAY less data than streaming video. 44.1/16 files should not take up much bandwidth.
I suspect your problems are with your network and/or internet connection.
As for the content, when I can't find an album, I let them know. Sometimes it's the lawyers who decide what the streaming services can and can't provide, not the service, same issue with Spotify.