Harbeth P3ESR or Monitor 30?

I’m leaning strongly towards a (used) Harbeth upgrade, and was focussed on the P3ESR until I noticed a pair of Monitor 30s available for around the same price.

My room is far from ideal. Hard floors, about 15'x18', with a further, narrower extension on one side of the longer dimension, and a small window bay on the other. The speakers are set up on one side of the 15' space, and I sit on the other.

I have done some searching and read a few opinions, but if anyone has experience with both, or any thoughtful opinion, I’d welcome your thoughts.


Yep, I think the line "For those who tell you that these little monitors do not deliver bass below a certain frequency I say stop listening to Hertz and start listening to music" says it all.

I bet they sound fantastic with the Quicksilver amps.  I found that they sound good with damn near anything, but high-quality amplification really brings them to another level.  
Thanks, you guys are making the choice easy. The speakers will be powered by a re-capped, and very sweet vintage Accuphase E-303 integrated amp (180w into 4ohms).

Let us know how it sound when you get it all hooked up - I think you'll be amazed, especially when paired with such a great amp.
The plot thickens...

I am very close to making a decision, but have received some strong, contrary opinions on the Harbeth forum. Not that the P3 isn't held in very high regard – it is. But that the M30 is a better speaker overall, and that the advantages of the other are limited.

To complicate matters, I currently have a choice of either speaker at roughly the same cost.
