Premium distilled water for ultrasonic record cleaner

I have a kLaudio lp200 ultrsonic record cleaner

I recall a few comments on reading threads about some special high grade distilled water

i can't seem to find anything via an audiogon search
klaudio says plain distilled is what they use

woukd anyone like to chime in with recommended top grade distilled waters
what properties make these special water brands stand out and the advantage to the sound of the records

a link or two would help

on a side note Klaudio is having a sale on their silencer and I went ahead and bought one
anybody using this silencer?

In another lifetime, I worked for years for a bottled water company in Los Angeles. We had an industrial division that, through the RO process, produced water so pure that it would draw impurities into itself. It was used in aerospace applications in the ultra clean rooms. They would actually assemble some parts under this super pure water. The technicians doing the work had to wear protective gloves because the water that pure would draw the pigment out of their skin.  


wow that's quite a story

I drank a little just for kicks the other day.

guess it cleaned out the pipes

I hate to rain impure water on this parade, but I have to ask the following question:

If you go for lab or reagent grade water in the context of an ultrasonic RCM, will it be lab/reagent grade after the first record is cleaned (even if you pre-clean) your records? Does that mean you should change the water in your tank after every record cleaning cycle?

At some point, it’s about very, very good and not perfect (this, from someone who embraces the benefits of ultrasonic RCMs).

Thom @ Galibier Design