Jazz for late night relaxation

Jazz friends; I'd like to expand my knowledge of albums geared toward relaxing in the evening with perhaps my favorite brandy or a cup of hot OJ. My taste is varied and I'll post specifics but I feel Paul Desmond and some of Chet Bakers stuff work very well to put me into pure contentment. Thanks for your thoughts. Pete
Lars Danielsson was involved in many bands and projects. Jazz Baltica in particular-- not only the festival, but rather gathering and jamming of Northern European jazz masters. 
I liked combo of Lars Danielsson/Wolfgang Hafner/Marcus Wasilewski/Roy Hargrove
Arve Henriksen - Places of Worship.

Fabiano Araujo - Rheomusi.

Jonas Howden Sjovaag & Arild Andersen - Ancient Land, New Territory.

Ralph Towner - Solstice (as per Frogman’s recommendation of Oregon, RT was a key member of that group).