What is your " sientist " relationship between that high inertia and high tonearm bearing friction in that tonearm design?
I own the 505 and I bougth it because I like it that design and looks " diferent " but the reality is that cartridge after cartridge, with diferents headshells and using Stevenson, L/B set up geometries I never achieved in no one of those top cartridges what those cartridges shows me in other tonearms and not only because is not a well damped tonearm, high bearing friction too but that high very high mass that looks the cartridge when it’s ridding the LP surface. I like the tonearm but not its overall performance, it does not really helps to the cartridge task.
It does not matters your " scientist " opinion unipivots are unstable during playback and till today no one can change it yet.
What did it some tonearm manufacturers to " hide " in some ways that critical stability problem?: choose better tonearm build materials as VPI and Duran gone with is blend material choice to damp in better way everykind of distortions but unstability is there does not disappears.
One point dissipate better that 2-3 way street: your opinion, not mine.
I remember carefully when appeared for the very first time the tip-toes by ( I think ) Mod Squad that works exactly as the unipivot bearing. All the high end community jump of hapiness and maybe there were no single audiophile that did not use it.
The tip-toes were designed to dissipate vibrations and convert it on other kind of energy and for the electronics or TT been stables with the 3 point configuration instead 4 footers.
I bought several sets of those tip toes and learned through many years that in reality are not in favor to " eliminate " those generated distortions but in some way amplify it or changed in other that still does harm the quality reproduction and because the feedback of those " vibrations " that pass trhough those tip toes never disappear the problem, are very uneffective but thank’s to tip toes todays we have all those and diferent kind of footers/dampers to use it in almost all our system links.
You can test in easy way what I’m saying ( and you don’t have to be a scientistific that certainly you are not. ). Take 3 tip toes and put under your CD player or TT or preamp or even your amps and see what happen against the damping " tools " you are using today and what you experienced is exactly what happen with unipivots on that regards. Additional the unipivots has that unstability " problem ".
Fleib " I’m inocent till the prosecutor can prove I’m guilty ". It’s not me who must prove anything. I made and make my posts and if you disagree with then you have to prove " I’m guilty " and certainly till now you showed and proved nothing at all.
Btw, do you know why you can’t do it and never will?.
Regards and enjoy the music,