Premium distilled water for ultrasonic record cleaner

I have a kLaudio lp200 ultrsonic record cleaner

I recall a few comments on reading threads about some special high grade distilled water

i can't seem to find anything via an audiogon search
klaudio says plain distilled is what they use

woukd anyone like to chime in with recommended top grade distilled waters
what properties make these special water brands stand out and the advantage to the sound of the records

a link or two would help

on a side note Klaudio is having a sale on their silencer and I went ahead and bought one
anybody using this silencer?

Or you can be a nut like me who cleans with an AudioDesk and rinses on a VPI 17 with reagent grade water. Do not ask me if I can tell the difference without a rinse. I've never conducted that test and probably never will. Just happy to know that if the AD left any residue from the cleaning agent, I took a shot at it.
When I had the Audio Desk, I reduced the amount of factory fluid based on input from other long time users. I could still see the effects of that fluid residue afterwards- water spread across the disc fairly evenly, as if there were still a surfactant of some sort present, breaking the surface tension. Theoretically, the ultrasonic cleaning as a finishing step, without the contact of potentially polluting brushes, or static inducing vacuum wands, is best. However, I still got better results on some records by point nozzle drying the ultrasonically washed, but not forced air dried, record. One can do this without spending a fortune on machines- DIY ultrasonic plus used Loricraft will get you there. 

Has anyone tried oxygen free distilled water?  Especially the cryo-treated version?  Maybe the oxygen free distilled water that came out of the vacuum mines before the great implosion?

I went with the KLaudio because I didn't want to mess with the Audio Desk cleaners solutions or brushes to be replaced.

The KL does a great job. It won't remove surface fingerprints completely, then again these don't affect playback

if a record is really noisty or needs extra cleaning I will clean it using a Loricraft.  Walker step two cleaner and step 3 water adjent

then off to the KLaudio

trying to decide if I need to beef up my power chord and isolation platform for the ultrasonic 
