Ortofon 2M Black?

Alright guys... I realized just how long it had been since I updated or even logged into my profile... So my little 2 channel system has evolved...

My table is still a Technics SL-1200MKII... BUT... It has:
TimeStep EVO Power Supply
TimeStep EVO Bearing
Oyaide Platter Mat
Same weight
KAB Fluid Damper
Cardas arm rewire

My phono preamp is still fairly elementary but solid:
Schiit Mani

My Speakers are:
Koss CM1030's
Recapped and replaced all crossover components with top shelf items
Replaced Tweeters with new ones (knockoff's of the orginals)

My Amp:
Well a work in progress for now I am back to the Onkyo TX-8522 receiver
I have an older onkyo setup with a Grand Integra M508... But it is in the shop (AND WILL BE RETURNING SHORTLY)

So the question of it all:
I have been cartridge hunting and trading... I still have my shure m97xe with the JICO SAS... However, that stylus's suspension gave up the ghost and I am replacing it with a simple LP Gear Line Contact one because I seriously don't care for the sound of the cart... My wife's favorite to date is my older than dirt Grado Blue... For that reason I was looking at either the SoundSmith Otello or Carmen... However, after some facebook and research; I had several tell me to quit messing with idea of a ruby retip dynavector 10x5 or anything similar and just go Ortofon 2M Black and be happy... So that is what I am about to pull the trigger on... LP Gear has a really good deal on them... Having owning the SAS; I am REALLY familiar with setting correct VTA, Azimuth (it is manual and a bit of a pain on my table--but is easily measured with my Fozgometer), and of course the all important alignment... I really don't mind the exotic shapes and most of my albums are pristine and the few that aren't... Well then I still have the Grado... Well unless the cuts I am interested in are on the inner grooves... But don't get me started on that one.

Long story short; Do you guys think I am making a mistake with the Ortofon 2M Black, or is it a good idea?
There are better ...from Ortofon as well, but within the price range, there are not many better than the Black

At this price I suppose I would be a fool not to... Right?  You guys think it is better than a SoundSmith Carmen?
I'm not keen on it. I think that for a MM it sounds thin and lacks midrange body. If you like this presentation or if the rest of your system is on the warm side it may be a good fit. Personally, I would go for the Clearaudio Maestro Wood but it's twice the price of the 2M Black.