Tonearm recommendation

Hello all,
Recently procured a Feickert Blackbird w/ the Jelco 12 inch tonearm.
The table is really good, and its a keeper. The Jelco is also very good, but not as good as my Fidelity Research FR66s. So the Jelco will eventually hit Ebay, and the question remains do I keep the FR66s or sell that and buy something modern in the 5-6 K range. My only point of reference is my old JMW-10 on my Aries MK1, so I don't know how the FR66s would compare to a modern arm. So I'd like to rely on the collective knowledge and experience of this group for a recommendation.

Keep the FR66s, or go modern in the 5-6K range, say a Moerch DP8 or maybe an SME.

Any and all thoughts and opinions are of course much appreciated.

Cheers,      Crazy Bill
Good job, Don.  You, at least, give a basis for how to set up the arm/cartridge.  Some of that information can only be gathered by someone who has actually done a good job at the set up.  Earlier, someone quoted that bass below 100hz was mono.  I had always thought or read it was lower(60 or 40hz?)
Dear ct/chris: I know what you mean. I already experienced the Kuzma too and things for me does not changes yet.

I be staying with pivoting tonearms, for me that mechanical grounding makes a difference in the more important frequency range in a home audio system: bass range. In the other side seems to me that we need some kind of friction at the tonearm bearing to" fight " in better way against all the LP imperfections: excentricity, waves and the like. Just an opinion.

Air bearing TT are not better on that regards but here there are other variables.

Anyway, you was clear on the subject and I think that for me is enough about tangential tonearms, but that's only me.

Regards and enjoy the music,

Earlier, someone quoted that bass below 100hz was mono. I had always thought or read it was lower(60 or 40hz?)

That was a linked quote from Frank Schroeder. I took it to mean as a guideline. In talking with engineers this number will vary depending on the situation.

imo - theory will only take you so far in this vinyl hobby. For me personally I have heard "lesser theory" designs outperform "better in theory" designs. Its comes down to personal knowledge and setup. Better designs have more potential.

If we start with your first theory point.
1) Micrometer arm height adjustment that has index marks for VTA/SRA. Index marks are needed to ‘fine tune”, and go back to a previous setting, when the last setting was better.
The last setting will always be better, if it was the one done with the cartridge alignment protractor. :^)  We have already discussed here how all tonearms except one, will throw out the alignment with VTA/SRA changes.When making VTA/SRA changes you should reset alignment. 

In the other side seems to me that we need some kind of friction at the tonearm bearing to" fight " in better way against all the LP imperfections: excentricity, waves and the like. Just an opinion.

fwiw - there is a damping fluid trough which is used with a paddle. Regarding your comment on friction - one can adjust the arm so that there is some friction ....if that is what you want :^) 
During the arm setup you just offset the alignment a touch along the straight line. The limitation with the arm is if some one likes to play bad ass records. Severely eccentric records with runouts of greater than 1/8 inch. Nobody here is like that, right ? Even Bruce recommends in the manual to use a low mass pivoted arm if you like to play records like this.

Happy listening
Just now I read Raul’s invitation to add memories of his visit to San Diego. I don’t have any special qualifications for that other than possibly being the only one from that group who still participates on Audiogon.

We are fortunate here that we have an active club, the San Diego Music and Audio Guild. The MAG has provided a way to meet many other local hobbyists and with that, many solid friendships have been formed. It was one of those members who was instrumental in inviting Raul to visit us during a US tour, and to call together a smaller group of individuals to meet with him. As I recall there was a core group of about six of us.

Over the days of his visit we met at one another’s homes so had great exposure to a few very different systems and the opportunity to discuss our impressions of them. They varied from HE speakers driven by SET amps to multi-way floor standers driven by hundreds of watts. Both analog and digital sources were utilized. Also Raul brought along his newly developed preamp which we had the chance to audition in some of those systems in direct comparison with the owner’s preamp. My system was one of those, although it is completely different today.

My major point though are my impressions of Raul. As I’ve posted previously I found him to be a very considerate, knowledgeable, and polite gentleman. He was able to contribute many insightful comments on the various systems, always doing so in a constructive way. So I consider it unfortunate that so many harsh words have passed here in response to some of his posts.

Just the same, I believe I can understand some of this criticism. Many of Raul’s comments come off as condescending. I didn’t find that in our face to face discussions but some of his writing appears that way. So why is that? Again I’m not an expert, but I do have some suggestions. First, English is not his native language and I’ve read multiple times where his word choice or expressions may not convey what I think he may intend. Second, you need to understand his degree of enthusiasm and commitment to musical reproduction and enjoyment. I think that leads to over-long replies and posts. He easily gets carried away when a simpler statement or description might serve better. Third, I suspect he spends so much time with those lengthly posts that he does not take time to review and edit them before submitting. Otherwise he might shorten or clear up points which may be misconstrued. And fourth, it could be a matter of style. I found Raul to be open to learning, sharing, and not condescending, but I can see where some of his knowledge and enthusiasm to share that comes off in ways that many ’Goners find offensive.

And now, back to tonearms. ;^)

ct0517...*G*  Due to your 'post experience' (1.5K+), I'll bow to your observation that some other forum will wreak AG Armageddon before this one will.  So I'll back your bet, based on that... ;)

I'll be not so secretly pleased at least that the tangential/air bearing troops have entered this fray with their 'arms drawn.  Even here in the 'cheap seats' it's become as entertaining as a good Middle Ages donnybrook, without all the mess those involved....

Popcorn, anyone? *snicker*

(As the 'Devil's Advocate' that may have triggered the 'counterattack',  Do Not show up at my door with torches and pitchforks.  I have a hose and dogs.  Do Not fashion your tonearms into spears or arrows either.  I have Lexan.  I may just laugh at you and advise you to seek therapy.  I cannot save you.  I can't save myself. {Stabbing Westward, 'Save Yourself'})

Carry on, y'all. *S*