Power conditioning from the ground up

I am exploring power conditioning for my rig. I have read plenty of threads where the opinions seem to be varied.

I am looking into replacing wall receptacles, adding a power conditioner, upgrading wiring to a thicker gauge and dedicating several breakers for my set-up.  

Some questions I have:

If I had upgrade the wall receptacle but my in-wall wiring is subpar, will the wall receptable be redundant?

If you have a power conditioner but you have a cheap $1 duplex outlet, is the power conditioner redundant?

I am trying to better understand where my focus should be. In regards to what I am looking to achieve, I want the usual (blacker blacks, deeper soundfloor, wider soundstage, less grit, more details, etc.) 

Ultimately, I would like to achieve as close to a holographic image as possible to where the image is suspended or hanging in the air. Maybe the answer to query isn't power conditioning, I would like to hear your ideas for how to achieve what I am seeking within my current set-up if possible:

VPI Scout 1.1
Soundsmith Zephyr MKII (HOMI)
Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum (KT120)
Zu Soul MKII
Zu cables



Very good advise above. Start at your breaker box and work from there. A dedicated line and upgraded outlet for your integrated is primary. If you haven’t already done so, check out the 'dedicated line' thread under 'Tech Talk’  by Lowrider57.  

Jafant, to my knowledge the main advantage of industrial grade outlets is a very strong, positive contact. Think hospitals, with a string of cords hanging on one outlet.

Thanks to all for the advice. Met with my electrician yesterday. We are going to run a dedicated line (20amp) from the breaker box to two duplex upgraded outlets (still deciding on outlets) with 12 gauge Romex wire while keeping the run as isolated as possible. he feels confident this is necessary for the improvements I am seeking. Please let me know if you have a differing opinion. I asked about a 10 gauge wire and he said it's overkill.