ct...Oil? South. For the time being, anyway. The low prices @ the pump simply forestalls our being weaned from the stuff before it becomes rare. HO: It'll attain that just about the time the climate really gets everyone's attention, which is when it'll be too late to respond in our species' typically late and lame fashion. But at that point you and I should be 'comfortably numb'...i.e., Dead...
"A poker game..." *L* Sometimes acts like a slamdance, opinions clashing like broadswords, ergo my Middle Ages ref. As my ears have aged and don't respond to the extremes on nuance anymore, I've tempered my drive to new/newer/newest and resorted to what intrigues or amuses me. My 'system' has become less 'hi-end', more 'test bed', constrained by budget.
I've been fortunate to have been exposed to things beyond my grasp, to at least experience and learn from that exposure. I have my own opinions, some not so humble about it all. I only 'air' them when either asked or at random 'knee-jerk' moments when the muse ice picks a tender spot...*S*
Mexico? Sounds good to moi'. GTF outta town, show up @ t'door. ;) Worse that could happen is to sleep in the car...but you'd be warm. *G*
Leave the tone arm(s) @ home...unless you transport them in one of those alum cases with the foam inserts, like some exotic weaponry. Which, considering the posts about and above us, gets kinda close...*smirk*