"A poker game..." *L* Sometimes acts like a slamdance, opinions clashing like broadswords, ergo my Middle Ages ref. As my ears have aged and don't respond to the extremes on nuance anymore, I've tempered my drive to new/newer/newest and resorted to what intrigues or amuses me. My 'system' has become less 'hi-end', more 'test bed', constrained by budget.
I've been fortunate to have been exposed to things beyond my grasp, to at least experience and learn from that exposure. I have my own opinions, some not so humble about it all. I only 'air' them when either asked or at random 'knee-jerk' moments when the muse ice picks a tender spot...*S*
Mexico? Sounds good to moi'. GTF outta town, show up @ t'door. ;) Worse that could happen is to sleep in the car...but you'd be warm. *G*
Leave the tone arm(s) @ home...unless you transport them in one of those alum cases with the foam inserts, like some exotic weaponry. Which, considering the posts about and above us, gets kinda close...*smirk*