I believe Meambler is on the right (his chosen) path in searching out a stand alone phonostage. I like the flexibility one provides and within the context of his system, the stage within the HK can be improved upon. He has also indicated that he is inclined to upgrade beyond the HK at some time. Until that time however, the analog pre/amp within the HK is no slouch and can well serve him as he does so. I believe the pre can be separated from the amp which may prove beneficial towards this end.
Regarding the separates vs. integrated approach, I agree that there are many very good integrated amps available, and within a budget he likely would be considering, makes for a solid recommendation. Now, in support of a stand alone phonostsge, the field of integrated amps opens up substantially when not including one. That said, there are many reasons/benefits to going with separates.As one example, I researched his speakers and found them to be at the upper end (my thinking) of a budget allocation toward speakers, again within the context of his existing system. I am a fan of using a tubed preamp with a SS amplifier and can’t help but wonder how the right combination of same would sound driving the F52s.
Regarding the separates vs. integrated approach, I agree that there are many very good integrated amps available, and within a budget he likely would be considering, makes for a solid recommendation. Now, in support of a stand alone phonostsge, the field of integrated amps opens up substantially when not including one. That said, there are many reasons/benefits to going with separates.As one example, I researched his speakers and found them to be at the upper end (my thinking) of a budget allocation toward speakers, again within the context of his existing system. I am a fan of using a tubed preamp with a SS amplifier and can’t help but wonder how the right combination of same would sound driving the F52s.