Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
Hello David, 
It's really good to hear from you. 
I understand you decision regarding the Elrogs, it's a practical conclusion to reach. I love their sound so much I was resolute in giving them another opportunity. I did do the recommended cathode resistor swap (only 5.00  dollars for the required 1 pair) and so far, so good. I can report that the resistors don't alter the sonic character at all to the best of my hearing ability. I've put Synergistic Research Black fuses in the amplifiers with excellent results. 

I've not forgotten your very enthusiastic praise of the Coincident Statement power cables.  Well it appears that the IC and SC are every bit as impressive. I respect your opinion of these products David.
I see that Arthur Salvatore is reviewing the power cables on his website site. I'm  keeping them on my radar for certain. I'm still using and enjoying the older  (6 years ) Coincident power cords. 
Hello fellow Elrog friends,
I was anxious to try the new Elrog 300B's  in my Frankenstien amps but after reading on this forum about  the failures, I decided to wait awhile until all the bugs were worked out. After the new tubes were reissued, I decided to give them a try. Incredable sound, I now knew what everyone was talking about. Sadly, last night after 184.5 hours on the tubes, one of them dropped out with a bang. There was no system damage but I would be surprised if there was another tube that could sound as good as these Elrogs. I put my Takatsuki's back in and I'm working with George to see what he can do but my 6 month warranty has expired so it's a toss up. Keeping my fingers crossed.  
Have you discussed with George the option to change your cathode resistor from the stock 1K ohms to the recommended 1.2K ohms value. They are said to reduce the initial power surge (current) stress on the output tube.  The Elrog engineers believe that this is issue with the Frankenstein amplifier. I've done this modification,  only timewill tell if this is the answer. 

I haven't discussed the cathode resistor change with George but it does sound like a feasable fix. Problem for me would be that in my neck of the woods there aren't any tech's that would understand, unfortunately. I honestly thought that the engineers at Elrog had fixed this problem. It's that old saying about assuming something.  
Hi Charles,
Now that you have more hours of listening, did changing the resistor degrade the sound in any way using the EML XLS's, Taks, or Elrog's?
