pads for speakers on stands?

I have my Studio-20s on stands.  The stands have spikes for supporting the speakers, and plastic cups that mate with the spikes.   I don't like this.  The speakers have already been knocked off the supports once and the underside got scratched by the spikes.  Are there any good, soft  isolation pads I can use instead?
I've done a brief internet search but, haven't found what I'm looking for.

Blue-Tak ... hmmm .. didn't think about that.thx.
The Herbie stuff looks good too.



Sound Anchor stands include round discs both sides of which have adhesive surfaces to secure speakers to their stands. They have uniform thicknesses which are an advantage over the thickness variability of Blue-Tak. I have used both and prefer the Sound Anchor adhesive discs which are quite secure. Perhaps Sound Anchor will sell you a set.
