Best Standard Def DVD Player under $8,000 used?

I am looking for the best possible Standard Def DVD player
that is BLACK. I have a Krell DVD Showcase now and it's
great but I am wondering if there is better to be had for
under $8,000 used.

I would like to hear opinions/comparisons of the video
quality for:

Krell DVD Standard
Linn Unidisk 1.1
Meridian G98
Denon 5910CI

spend $300 on a Samsung Bluray then take the other $77oo and buy new speakers
01-11-09: Tom92602

Ok.. Nice work all you $300 BluRay payer lovers..
If only you had highend systems to appreciate the
gear I am wanting to discuss.

BluRay is slow to load disks, Disks are expensive and
I have a 500+ standard Def DVD library.
The PS3 and Oppo BDP-83 (which is $500, thankyouverymuch) are very fast to load. If you're budgeting $8000 and spend only $500, that leaves $7500 to upgrade your DVD library to Blu-ray. You should be able to buy at least 300 Blu-rays, and more likely replace your entire library of 500.

If you want better redbook, rip your CDs (losslessly) to a laptop and get a Wavelength Cosecant USB DAC for a mere $3500. I dare you to find a CD player that will match that.

Any way you slice it, $8K for a std def DVD player, even if it will play dinner plates, is throwing good money after bad. Go whole hog on an Oppo BDP-83SE ($900) plus laptop (say $800) plus Wavelength Cosecant DAC ($3500), and you have better playback in every format for $5200. Use the other $2800 to upgrade your video library to Blu-ray.
You want to spend $8,000 on a used SD DVD player? Sorry I can't answer that seriously...
I would never spend money on a old DVD player anymore. I sold my Meridian 800 DAXV4 one year ago for 4000 euro. New price was 25000 dollar. I was Lucky to get this amount. Time and technique goes on. These days you get better quality for much better prices.