Alex, Amen!. That is precisely what I have been suggesting for quite some time. If I am understanding you correctly, and if you read my posts, what you suggest is behind many of them. Count me in!
O-10, great playing by all and classic Miles. Different vibe from the "Cookin'" session. It should be noted that it (they, actually; its a compilation) was recorded 2 1/2 years before "Cookin'". In the scheme of the many phases of Miles and rapidly evolving style, 2 1/2 years is an eternity as shown by how this recording harkens back to an earlier period in jazz. Listen to Lucky Thomson's playing; shades of the swing players that came before in his sound and vibrato. Yes, less laid back that "Cookin'", but not quite sure why being laid back should be a disqualifier. Great stuff. Thanks!
Rok, I agree word for word and made the same comment first time around; except perhaps for your last comment. I don't have an opinion on that.