Vintage Krell Amp... Which would you choose?

I am in the market for a new amp, and I was thinking instead of purchasing something new, why not purchase a preowned amp. I always admired the krell sound, but it was just way to expensive. I would like to know if there was "ONE" krell amp either class A or SS that you can go back in time and purchase, which one would it be? It will be paired with Martin Logan's.


Dsper:  I admit to not being a fan of the "S" series of Krell amps, which were the first to use the sustained plateau biasing technology.  I feel the earlier KSA 250 was far better sounding than any of the S series, and that the FPB series were also far better.  And FWIW, I don't think the 200s would be able to get the best out of Thiel CS5s--a KSA 250, MDA 300 or FPB 400 would be better able to handle the low impedances in the Thiels.
Krell FPB 300cx. Sweet, powerful, durable and reliable. What else could you want? Mine is 14 years old and going strong, never even a hiccup.

Hey RCPrince, There is also a recapped 300S for sale out of NY - think that may be enough oomph?
That might be enough, but I still prefer models other than the "S" series.  They might have been more neutral than the KSA250/MDA 300 amps, but to me they sounded almost sterile, lifeless in comparison.  Guess I'm a fan of distortion.
I have a pair of krell MDA 300 seating around, one amp's led light is out. Everything else works perfectly. recaps 10 years ago, i hardly use it. keep it for backup only. any interest let me know..  comes with original boxes too.

happy listening.

