Has anyone heard the new North American products preamp and amp?

The new versions are called X-10s and the amp is on its third version or Mark III. This truly provides holograph imagine unlike anything I've heard before. On symphonic orchestras, one can hear the first violins. I have never heard an amp sound this precise.

In reality, I doubt if any amplifier can rival it. I certainly have never heard any that do so. Every album is so involving.

The preamp has yet to get a remote but is nevertheless, quite striking.
Roger wrote,

"atmasphere: "as Carl Sagan said "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence".
Your right - I guess since it cannot be measured then the only "evidence" is how it performs which by Carl’s definition has to be "extraordinary"."

Roger responded: "I’ll settle for that. BTW I was in no way trying to dig at you. I have tremendous respect for you and your reputation. I was just trying to point out that even things you can measure don’t in and of themselves provide answers so easily. It is even more difficult "working in the dark"."

This part is mine -- If Roger’s amp works quantum mechanically (which I’m not convinced it is) then any measurements taken with respect to the quantum nature of the amplifier, if it actually has a quantum nature, would collapse the wave function, no? Furthermore, repeated subsequent attempts to measure some property or another, assuming the quantum state is allowed to build back up again in between measurements, would probably yield different results. Which would be rather unsatisfactory. Of course this all assumes that what Roger is saying about the quantum nature of his amplifier is true and not a cover story. ;-)



Let's put it this way...
I'm convinced if I show you the exact process including all schematic diagrams, it still would make no sense to you how it works.

I have done this with top EE's in the government. It went right over their heads. What does that tell you? That I'm a genius? No. Just that I did the hard homework and found something everyone else missed because they are stuck thinking inside the box.

You have to treat your system not as a "stereo" but rather as a translator of  information suitable for consumption by the brain.

Your brain is the end user.

I found the contamination that breaks down the [outside] link to the ear-brain system. Without using quantum physics - that link cannot be accurate enough.

It successfully removes velocity based "analog jitter" in the time domain.
It locks down the correct playback speed and guarantees it is [constant].

This allows the smooth transfer of the sound [WAVE] phenomenon to flow toward you as if if was happening in the same room.

How difficult a concept is it to grasp?
To your collective delight I think I'm done trying to explain it.

Listen and enjoy.

Roger wrote,

"I have done this with top EE’s in the government. It went right over their heads."

With top EEs in the Government? And it went over their heads? Surprise, surprise.

"What does that tell you? That I’m a genius? No. Just that I did the hard homework and found something everyone else missed because they are stuck thinking inside the box."

If you’re trying to say that there is a status quo, well, duh!

geoff kait
machina dynamica
no goats no glory
All the good engineers i know think out of the box all the time.  

All the the tech talk nobody can understand has no meaning obviously.  The product will live or die on its value proposition and sonic merits like all do. 

I agree with atmosphere that talking about things nobody understands  does not do any justice.   Just my two cents.  

Mapman wrote,

"All the good engineers i know think out of the box all the time.

All the the tech talk nobody can understand has no meaning obviously. The product will live or die on its value proposition and sonic merits like all do.

I agree with atmosphere that talking about things nobody understands does not do any justice. Just my two cents."

Pardon me for saying so but that seems to be an argument for limiting discussions to topics or subjects that are either common knowledge or understood by everyone, including the man under the bridge. If we limit what people can say to what someone believes should be easily understood by everyone then who will be the judge and who will be the jury?  If there is going to be a break out from the dull repetitive rehashing of the same old thing we must not constrain discussion to fit anyone’s preconceived notion of what’s allowable, what is and what isn’t scientifically possible or correct. What’s there to be afraid of? Stop trying to put everything in a box.  

No goats no glory