Is it all worth it?

So this week I re-foamed a pair of Boston Acoustics a40 series ii speakers I bought 30 years ago for not very much at all by audiophile standards. Put them in my 12x12 sunroom running of my main system which has very good source and amplification and these things are blowing me away. You could find a pair online or at your local thrift shop for around $50. Why bother spending the big bucks?   Really makes one think.
Mensch yes not being overtly bright at all yet surprisingly resolving makes them a great match for that room.  

My main system feeds that room and speakers in several others via in wall wiring and a speaker switch so yes the little Bostons benefit from the same source system as my much bigger and pricier Ohm F5 series 3 speakers, smaller  ohms, Dynaudios and others.  
Yup :-))))

Can't believe that was 16 years ago :-(

Time flies when you're listening to music ;-)
There is always a new piece of equipment to allure and open one’s wallet; however, how often have you had people mourn their purchase and soon sell or trade what they have? There is a diminishing return in this hobby; needless to say, the manufacturers are not in this hobby just out of love (perhaps some more than others), but they are out for a profit. Consequently and logically speaking, if they cannot make you dissatisfied with what you have or woo new buyers into the market and this so-called “brotherhood of audiophiles” . . . they will soon go out of business.

Part of the charm of the hobby is the discovery and the improvements available, plus sharing those discoveries along with good music to others; however, there came a point when I became disenchanted with the hobby, which was when everyone was listening to the equipment -- rather than the music . . . that, and every time I got a new audiophile magazine, what was on the “A List” -- now was a piece of junk. I thought, if it was good last month, how could it have gone down to such a low level in one month. Unless one is a millionaire, you can’t keep up with it. It becomes more like, “keeping up with the Jones” . . . and turning a hobby into a stressful competition on who is right, and fighting over which piece is better as a matter of status and bragging rights.

I have been in the hobby going on some 66 years, and I still enjoy tweaking or finding a helpful hint to improve my sound -- everyone likes to improve; however, I have also learned to be content with what I have and stop looking to what I don’t; otherwise, it is a constant case of “the other man’s grass is always greener”, and I simply can’t be thankful for what I do have. Besides, sooner or later you are not going to be king of the hill and are going to be dethroned. I say, let them have it . . . in the meantime, I’m still enjoying the hobby, very much enjoy seeing reviews on YouTube at all the shows I cannot attend, and laugh at those silly people, who keep spending their money on this month’s marvel but are never satisfied.

So, is it worth it? I'd say a resounding, YES! I wouldn't have stayed with it, if it wasn't. Some say that it is “all about the music” . . . very noble words. Well, the music should be a big part of it . . . but it is the whole intrigue, the progress, and the constantly moving forward without static that inspires new discoveries, recording techniques, and that little extra that makes the recording closer to reality, but it is also not losing the grip of reality in the process.   :-)

Older speakers can sound very good but I think that today’s speakers outperform them (sound better). Of course paying more or having more drivers or more exotic materials or design doesn’t guarantee better sound. It’s all in getting it right for your system and your ears.

Also, people do get burned out on the constant stream of New! and Better! gear that shows up month after month and the diminishing returns as you spend more for each upgrade. You have to know when to quit chasing better sound and just enjoy what you already have.

So, yes it's worth it, but you can get carried away by the hype and end up an audio burn out.

Mid-Fi is about the best you can say regarding Boston speakers.  Look at the construction and specs of the A40, truly awful. This is not a high quality speaker, and it cannot produce upper end sound relative to others. Yeah, you save a lot of money, but you do not somehow leapfrog the performance of better speakers. You only get what you can achieve with any speaker, a relative improvement limited by the speaker. Put a better speaker in the rig and the differences would become apparent. 

Further, you might prefer a better speaker and affordable electronics to the pricey stuff and A40. Only listening would tell. i.e. If you spent $10K on electronics and use the A40, you may prefer a receiver with a lower price Magenpan and come out far ahead in terms of cost. So, no the A40 doesn't make me think much of it.  :)