Of course what we need is a comparison of the Beeswax fuse to the Synergistic Research "BLACK "fuse. Then ideally the effect of multiple Beeswax fuses in one system.
My three systems are now 100% SR "BLACK" fused and each system has over 150+ hours of playing time. The fuses were installed in stages and with each installation the sound improved. A combination of Black and RED fuses was tried and it was certainly better than stock fuses, but an all "BLACK" fuse system sounded better each time.
The music flows with less perceived effort. Imaging is improved. Soundstage depth increased with decay of notes being longer in duration. Their is more felt emotion to the music. Solo guitar and voice (both male and female) are more alive and moving.
To those reading this thread- Give your innerself a present. Buy a Synergistic Research BLACK fuse. If you do not like it of do not think it is worth it, send it back.
You do not even have to "Regift" the fuse to get your money back!
David Pritchard
My three systems are now 100% SR "BLACK" fused and each system has over 150+ hours of playing time. The fuses were installed in stages and with each installation the sound improved. A combination of Black and RED fuses was tried and it was certainly better than stock fuses, but an all "BLACK" fuse system sounded better each time.
The music flows with less perceived effort. Imaging is improved. Soundstage depth increased with decay of notes being longer in duration. Their is more felt emotion to the music. Solo guitar and voice (both male and female) are more alive and moving.
To those reading this thread- Give your innerself a present. Buy a Synergistic Research BLACK fuse. If you do not like it of do not think it is worth it, send it back.
You do not even have to "Regift" the fuse to get your money back!
David Pritchard